This completely ignores the fact that in a largely service-structured economy, one man’s intake is another man’s creation. Funnily enough, the right-wingers are more guilty of perpetrating this lay than the lefties. As it happens, VAT is mildly regressive – people on low earnings pay a higher small percentage of their income on VAT than those on higher earnings. It’s an EU requirement, so we can not do anything about any of it.

Apart from reducing our standard rate from 17.5% to 15%, the minimal standard rate required by the EU. Funny how nobody mentions that. VAT receipts are steady relatively; in times of economic downturn, people spend more than their incomes – even if people’s incomes and business profits are falling, the government can still rake in the tax. The flipside is, VAT sends more businesses to the wall throughout a recession than would otherwise be the situation (they have to pay it, even if they’re making losses).

And VAT receipts are around three times up to receipts from Council Tax, with no protests or the hassle. Voters and businessmen hardly understand it! People don’t inspect their sales receipts carefully and think ‘Shit! I simply paid £200 for a new hi-fi for £200 – £30 of this went right to the taxman’.

D. Computed the average routine time of processing potential political instances and compared it to the common cycle time for processing similar cases that were not prepared by the team of specialists. E. Determined the number of organizations that may have been adversely affected by inconsistent treatment. IV. Determined if the EO function consistently had a reasonable basis for requesting information from organizations seeking tax-exempt position that was potentially involved in a political campaign involvement. A. Reviewed all 170 potential political cases that were issued more information request characters to determine whether the letters included questions deemed unnecessary by the EO function.

B. Interviewed EO function workers to acquire their perspective on additional information that was requested that might not have been essential to help to make a determination decision. C. Identified the number of taxpayers that might have been affected adversely. Internal controls relate to management’s plans, methods, and procedures used to meet their mission, goals, and objectives. Internal settings are the procedures and procedures for planning, organizing, directing, and controlling program operations. They are the systems for measuring, confirming, and monitoring program performance.

We determined the following internal handles were relevant to our audit objective: EO function plans, procedures, and procedures for processing and identifying applications for tax-exempt position with indications of politics marketing campaign treatment. We evaluated these controls by interviewing personnel, reviewing documentation, reviewing statistical samples of applications for tax-exempt status, and reviewing applications recognized as involving potential political campaign intervention. This appendix presents complete information on the measurable impact our recommended corrective activities shall have on tax administration.

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These benefits will be integrated into our Semiannual Report to Congress. We chose a simple random sample of 94 I.R.C. During our case reviews, we determined that two cases were not discovered as having significant potential political campaign intervention appropriately. We selected a simple random sample of 244 I.R.C. During our case reviews, we determined that 14 cases were not identified as having significant potential political campaign intervention appropriately. We obtained data from the EO function on the common number of days it took to determine whether a credit card application for tax-exempt status was approved or denied.

In Fiscal Year 2012, it got normally 238 times to close a case that needed more information from the business prior to approving or denying the application. Of December 17 Ass, 2012, there have been 158 potential political cases that were more than 238 calendar days open. We reviewed 170 potential political cases that had received more information request letters from the Determinations Unit.

Using a list of seven questions/topics that the EO function categorized as unnecessary, we discovered 98 potential politics situations that included more information request letters asking questions deemed unneeded by the EO function. The chart was removed due to its size. To see the chart, please go directly to the Adobe PDF version of the record on the TIGTA Public Web Page. The next is a high-level organizational graph of offices we discuss in this report, you start with the Deputy Commissioner for Enforcement and Services, who reviews to the IRS Commissioner.