Fig. Species: Ficus carica. Family: Mulberry. It is one of the oldest fruits on the planet. Evidence indicates it started in Asia Minor around 5,000 BC or earlier. There are plenty of recommendations to figs in Bible. Ancient Romans believed figs were sacred. They informed many folktales about them, including the one concerning twins Remus and Romulus, the alleged founders of Rome. The storyplot promises that these were suckled by a lady wolf under a fig tree. The ancient Greeks had their own romance with the fruit.

They forbade its exportation and given them to their Olympic sports athletes to increase strength and endurance. Figs came to the Americas in the early 16th century eventually. Spanish missionaries later introduced these to San Diego, California (CA) in 1769. The state is now third in-line in fig creation. Greece and Turkey are first and second, respectively. Botanically-speaking, figs are actually inverted blooms.

The real fruits will be the little seeds inside them. You will find 700 different varieties of figs over. Most of them cannot pollinate with no help of a tiny wasp. The insect considers the deciduous mother or father trees a safe haven to place eggs and mate, which, helps to pollinate the flowers.

The process is named caprification. Figs produce white, sticky water called latex, where in fact the stalk attaches to the tree. There is also a visible starting or ‘attention’ at the opposite end, which is thought to assist in its growth. Virtually all figs are gathered double a yr. The first harvest is called breba. The second harvest produces a better quality and higher quantity fruit usually. Ninety percent of figs are dried out either by the sun or through man-made process naturally.

August and September are considered peak months for purchase. Fresh figs must have their stalks intact, be bruise-free, and somewhat firm. Being that they are perishable extremely, they need to be refrigerated to go longer than two or three days. Also, they’re usually on the expensive side. But that should not prevent you from enjoying this sweet deliciously, juicy, sticky, chewy, crunchy, unique, faux fruit. Four of the very most popular, ready-to-eat fresh types are Black Mission, Calimyrna, Brown Turkey, and Celeste.

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Black Mission figs, also called Mission figs or Franciscana, are native to the Balearic Islands off the Eastern coast of Spain. These were introduced to San Diego by Franciscan missionaries between 1768 and 1769. Trees are usually very large and frost-sensitive. They carry fruits year-round often. Their breba crop tends to be bigger than their main or second crop.

The fruits have elongated necks and round bodies much such as a pear. Skins are blackish-purple, and crack open up when ripe to reveal pale strawberry-pink pulp with a bunch of tiny seed products. They may be syrupy and meaty with a lovely taste. Besides being ready-to-eat fresh, Black Mission figs pair well with goat cheese, blue cheese or prosciutto. They are excellent in yogurt also, fruit and green salads or filled with almond paste.